Our guide to some of the most important
Management Models for PMOs

Management models and frameworks play a huge part in the work that PMOs do. PMO Managers and Consultants spend a immeasurable amounts of time learning management models, discussing management models and even inventing their own management models.

Tools and practices that will improve your business

When it comes to change management, it is often the role of the PMO to put methodologies and models into practice. Management models appeal to PMO professionals – they can bring order to chaos, aid communication and reduce complexity.

There are almost as many management models available as there are consultants eager to sell them as the solution to all of your organizational and project management challenges. What follows on this page is our attempt to highlight some of the management models that may be of particular interest to PMOs and the organizations they operate within. Each model (or framework, or method) is described and put into context – cross referencing where possible and sharing practical examples where these are available. If you are interested in learning more about a particular model, links are provided for your convenience.

How to use this guide

Explore the models by selecting a category below, or using the search bar. Alternatively, simply scroll down to review the complete list of management models – then click the one that looks the most interesting!

How Can Design Thinking Help You Achieve Better Results In Your Projects? Project managers are often faced with challenging and innovative projects. With so much on the line, it’s important for them to have all the tools they need to succeed. And that’s where design thinking comes in – a process that can help reduce […]

User personas are semi-fictional characters that represent different areas of your target audience, user base or stakeholder group. Creating realistic personas can bring these groups to life and better understand and communicate with them. User personas help us understand how your target audience thinks, feels, and behaves. This information can then be used to make […]

We all have decisions to make. Sometimes we go with our gut. Sometimes we go with what our moral compass tells us is right. But some decisions require a more structured approach. Decision trees are a great management tool to have in your PMO and Project Management arsenal. Decision tree analysis helps you layout the […]

Would your project management office like to increase your effectiveness while organizing and performing projects? If your team is interested in setting new project management standards, then one management model you will want to understand is McKinsey’s 7-S Framework. This change management model is used to locate organizational problems, adopt new strategies for completing goals, […]

SWOT Analysis is a simple model used by PMO teams during strategic planning to assess the Strengths and Weaknesses of an organization, combined with an inventory of Opportunities and Threats in the external environment. SWOT is a versatile tool that can be used to support strategy building at the organizational level but can also be […]

What are OKRs? OKR is a goal-setting framework that is used by many large tech companies, including Google, Spotify, and Twitter. They are used to create alignment in an organization and to encourage people to set stretch goals. In this article, we explain what they are, how they are used and provide you an OKR […]

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