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HotPMO are super-excited to announce our new online training courses for 2020. We’ve been squirreled away in HotPMO HQ, generating the best original content to help PMO people turbo-charge their careers, their teams, and their organization’s pace of delivery in 2020.

Why learn with us?

Our HotPMO team have been in the PMO and project delivery space for over 20 years. We’ve delivered projects and programs at the coal-face and have run PMO in multiple business sectors. We have broad experience to draw from. Whether your PMO supports traditional projects or agile delivery, we understand, and we’ve got you covered.

When you train with HotPMO, all training is delivered by hands-on PMO Practitioners. When we’re not training, we’re practicing what we preach – working alongside organizations to improve their project management office practices and helping them accelerate delivery of the right projects. On our courses, you learn the techniques that we use when we consult with companies – at a fraction of the price!

How are HotPMO different?

There are many online training providers who offer online training. Many of these offer pre-recorded video packages that you can follow at your own pace. This approach works well if you are looking for training on-demand, but support is often limited and you are usually learning alone.

The courses offered on are different. They only start at set times each year and the course materials are designed to be followed over a period of time (usually six weeks). During the course, you will be encouraged to experiment with what you have learned – applying your learning in the workplace or practicing with peers. Course materials are a blend of videos, scenarios, quizzes, and live webinars. Each course has a forum where delegates can talk to each other and to the course leader as the course progresses and, as you all start the course at the same time, you’ll all be moving forward together and sharing your insight with your peers. This approach massively increases your chances of successfully completing the course and maximizing your learning – everyone moves forward together and celebrates their achievements at the same time.

What PMO training courses are on offer?

In 2020, we are running three courses that will launch in February, May, and October. Each course will run for 6 weeks and will require a commitment of 2-3 hours per week:


In this 6-week online course, you will learn how to be an effective PMO Coach and better support your organization. During the course, you will learn about the different hats you have to wear as a PMO professional. You’ll learn when to manage and when to coach.

You’ll understand who you will be coaching in the PMO and discover coaching strategies that work with project managers, sponsors, agile teams, and other members of your PMO.

You’ll explore some of the barriers to coaching and how to overcome them. Finally, you will define the coaching service that your PMO will offer within your organization.


When organizations introduce agile practices, there is a huge focus on training scrum-masters and product managers. But there is rarely much focus on what the PMO can do to support agile practices and provide transparency to the business.

This 6-week online course will provide an overview of Scrum – one of the most commonly deployed agile frameworks. You’ll understand how it works and how the PMO can support agile teams, scrum masters, and product managers. We’ll explore the challenges of scaling agile within an organization and we’ll share examples from the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE) and Scrum at Scale.

You’ll learn about how to structure projects and initiatives into ‘thin slices’ that can be delivered rapidly, allowing your projects to deliver value faster than ever before.

You’ll learn the five key interventions that PMO people can make to support agile teams and turnaround troubled agile implementations.

You’ll learn about agile metrics and understand how to use them to share insight with the rest of the business, and to help your agile teams improve.

Finally, you’ll learn steps you can take to support true business agility by introducing agile practices outside of IT and outside of projects.


Automation is a hot topic at the moment, with Robotic Process Automation, AI and Machine Learning being widely touted as the future of work. Talk of robots taking over our jobs is much over-hyped. Rather than shying away from such technologies, the modern PMO should embrace them and use the opportunity to automate repetitive tasks and gain a deeper insight into project portfolio performance.

This 6-week course will provide an introduction to some of the technologies on offer and will help you develop an understanding of how you can use automation in your PMO.

You’ll learn what the terms Robotic Process Automation, AI and Machine Learning mean and how they can be applied in the PMO.

You’ll get hands-on and build some simple PMO automation including:

  • Your very own UiPath RPA bot;
  • A streamlined automated process using Microsoft Flow;
  • A simple Machine learning algorithm for analyzing project data.

You’ll learn how automation can free up valuable time in the PMO and allow PMO Analysts to spend less time collating and more time actually working as Analysts!

You’ll learn how the PMO can support the wider organization by building the skills to become an automation Center of Excellence.

Maximize the return on your training investment

All of our courses are designed to focus on practical interventions, rather than text-book theory. In each course, you will discover insights and techniques that you can apply straight away. During HotPMO courses, you are actively encouraged to try to apply what you are learning in your work environment at regular intervals, as we believe that getting hands-on is the best way of improving your understanding of some of the concepts and techniques we’ll be exploring.

Our approach of starting cohorts together on their learning journey at the same time and encouraging interaction in an online forum means that you have an opportunity to find out how other PMO people are applying the learning in their environments. By sharing your journey with your peers, you help each other deepen your understanding and knowledge.

The courses blend videos, scenarios, quizzes, live webinars, and peer discussion to give you high value, high-quality course offerings at a fraction of the cost of classroom lead training.

How can I find out more?

Sign up below to get the inside track on all of our 2020 online PMO courses before they go live to the public. By signing up, you’ll have access to exclusive webinars and discount codes for all of our PMO training.

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