How To Survive as a PMO Analyst – And Why You Should Do It

PMO Analyst

Behind every successful project is a talented PMO Analyst. A central Project Management Office, or PMO, is vital in organizations that rely on projects to drive revenue and innovation. But what is the role of a PMO Analyst really like? Perhaps you are a PMO Analyst already and are looking for some tips. Something to […]

Outsourcing the mundane PMO activities

people working collaboratively at PCs

Outsourcing the mundane, routine activities can help your team thrive. I’ve seen the same pattern across numerous PMO teams. Talented individuals are hired as PMO analysts because they have that certain spark, curiosity, drive, and creativity that defines the truly great analysts. But too often, those skills go underutilized as their time is spent on […]

The Cost of Sitting on the Sidelines

A Signpost

The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies. Napoleon Bonaparte History teaches that the future belongs to the bold, the few people and organizations who rise above setbacks and confusion to create new beginnings and opportunities. Five hundred years […]

Project management principles

Project Management Principles wordcloud

Not a day goes by without a new whitepaper, book, or conference article published heralding a new delivery approach that is absolutely the only possible way that all projects should be delivered from hereon. How fortunate then that experienced project managers and PMO professionals don’t follow fads. Instead, they follow project management principles. Underpinning the […]

Preparing a Workforce for Automation

Robot shaking hands with human

Spurred by the impact of Covid-19, companies, large and small, have embraced the necessity of redesigning and automating work processes to remain competitive. Advances in intelligent systems with the ability to think, learn, and work alongside humans enable lower costs, higher quality, and faster cycle times than previously possible. More companies are pursuing automation in an accelerated fashion as […]

Becoming More Agile: The Benefits of an External Consultant

Comparing the old way with the new way

The pressure on organizations to remake themselves in an ever-changing competitive environment is palpable. Business leaders, academic theorists, and consulting gurus proclaim the mantra of agility as the certain, if not the only, path to survival. The old ways of doing business no longer work, rendered obsolete by new technology, consumer expectations, and precarious supply and […]